When I went grocery shopping this week I made sure to do it early in the morning - the later you wait the more packed the grocery store is (no matter if it's Tuesday or Friday...) and I hate the jostle of carts and the absolute ineptitude with which people park their carts and asses in the middle of the aisle while they look at cream cheese varieties and granola bars. Since grocery shopping can be a severe stress on my life (mostly due to the magnitude of people who shop at the same grocery store I do) I have been making a list of exactly what I need for a week of recipes. That, of course, cuts out impulse buying and makes my shopping much cheaper, but it also makes it so much faster and easier.

On my grocery list were ingredients for Pico de Gallo, something my dad used to make when spring and summer started coming around. If you asked me to define fresh with food, this would be my answer. The tang of cilantro, the crunch of onions and the soft fresh tomatoes just scream YAY in your mouth. Paired with tortilla chips (baked tostitos anyone?) or couscous you get a real treat you can use in tons of ways.
There are a lot of recipes for Pico out there, but the one I swear by is so simple it hurts. Next time you're in the mood for something fresh and healthy, go for this!
Papa's Pico
- 4 Roma tomatoes
- 1/2 Bunch cilantro
- 3/4 Small red onion
- 1 Small jalapeno pepper
- Salt to taste
- Cut the tomatoes into thirds and remove the seeds/innards. Cut the tomatoes by hand into small chunks (I promise it's better to cut this stuff by hand).
- Dice the red onion.
- Finely chop the cilantro leaves (not stems.)
- PUT ON GLOVES and cut and de-seed the Jalapeno. If you do this with your hands they will burn for hours. So don't.
- Mix all the ingredients together and salt to taste (I like salt so I add a lot of sea salt).
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