Many years ago I somehow got the idea to google "To die for blueberry muffins" and came across this amazing recipe entitled "To Die For Blueberry Muffins." Funny how that works. I didn't want to dick around with all of the crappy blueberry muffin recipes - oh no no no.... Straight to the "to die for" ones for me! And I mean for god's sake...with a name like that they must be good, right? Right.
Turns out they are. They are absolutely the best bakery-style blueberry muffin. Lots of loft, just the right amount of sweet. Light and airy but not too much so. Crispy, crunchy top. Bad for you, but "low fat" by Dunkin' Donuts standards. A definite winner.
Here in the great northeast, we're rounding out the end of blueberry season. Blueberries started ripening a bit early this year and the delicious blueberry plants that grow wild all over this area are more or less done producing. At the lake house where we spend a lot of our summer weekends, the grounds are covered in low-bush blueberries, as well as a few high-bush blueberry bushes that grow outside the windows. To top that off, there's an island in the middle of the lake called Blueberry Island that is virtually covered in blueberry bushes.
In the photo to the right, Ein and I are kayaking out to see if there are any blueberries ready to be picked (last year - the island is just to the left of his head, in the distance). This year I didn't get the chance to go up the weekend the blueberries were ready, but Aj brought home a big Solo cup full of them. We munched on some, but there was still about half a cup left. Combined with almost 2 pints of blueberries I picked up at the local farm stand, I was looking for something to do with these tasty treats. Maine and NH blueberries are wonderful - a lot of times the wild ones are MUCH smaller than the kind you buy in the grocery store. Their flesh is firm and tart yet sweet. They aren't mushy at all like the over-ripe blueberries that often have to travel so far to reach Southern and Western states. They're a real ground-to-mouth pleasure.
So of course I remembered this recipe, which I made without hesitation and was once again impressed by the loft, texture and taste of these great muffins. I didn't use the streusel topping, but if you do make sure to use brown sugar instead of white and don't load it on or the muffins won't rise all the way. Though I haven't tried it, other commenters claim that the recipe is great with just about any kind of fruit give it a shot and use what you have on hand! Even though this isn't my recipe, it's certainly one worth sharing.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Thursday, July 5, 2012
When you move to a new part of the country there are all kinds of things that get lost in translation. Like "blinker" versus "directional" or the New England classic "wicked". There's the difference between "chowda" and "chowder" and then....there is the New England version of "hot." Not food hot, but weather hot. See, where I'm from in the dirty south, hot means over 98 degrees. Hot is when you open your car door and your hair singes. Hot is HOT. Here in New England, hot is somewhere between 80 and 95 degrees. Anything over that means you probably shouldn't leave your house.
Now...when I first moved to New England, I knew winters were going to be cold beyond anything I knew, but I wasn't prepared to have winter end and summer begin just to hear people bitching about how hot it was. Really? Two months ago you were sick of the miserable snow and now you're sick of the heat. To me, this was and still is mostly incomprehensible. The only reason winter in New England is tolerable is because of snow (which everyone else seems to hate). This past winter we almost had an entire winter season without snow, and I was not happy. But there's a silver lining in that we also had very few days where it hit the teens and negatives. So now it's summer, and I've got my little garden growing and the days average around 85 degrees, which, for July, seems a little obscene. Like... my home town is enjoying a solid 94 degrees while I sit in a house with only one window unit running to keep it cool.
All I can say is that if this is "hot", I love it. I love being able to walk around without feeling like I'm going to suffocate on the muggy, cotton candy heat of the southern summers. The nights cool down to the low 60s and the days mostly stay in the mid to high 80s. Every part of the country has its own perks, no doubt about it, but I am falling in love with the beautiful (and bountiful!) springs, mild summers, stunning falls and snowy winters of New England.
In fact, this time of the year brings a particularly great New England treat - wild blueberries. In the south, the wild blackberry brambles are absolutely delicious, and in New England the wild blueberries grow bountifully. We have a patch of what's called "low bush" blueberries in our back yard, and it gets bigger every year. The blueberries love the woodsy pine floor of our back yard and they make these tiny, cute little blueberries that are quite tasty and perfect for pancakes and muffins.
For the past two summers, I've made a blueberry tea with the blueberry leaves and about a half cup of blueberries. No matter where you are in the US, if you can get your hands on some blueberry plant leaves I'd recommend this light, antioxidant rich tea infusion. It's perfect for that summer day - whether it's 80 or 100 degrees.
Fresh Blueberry Tea Infusion
NOTE: You'll need to make this the day before you want to drink it.
- A few blueberry stems with leaves
- Half a cup of blueberries
- 2 tbsp local honey
- 1 sprig mint
- Boil 8 cups of water until at a rolling boil. Add blueberry leaves and remove from heat.
- In a large pitcher, crush blueberries lightly with a fork.
- Drizzle 2 tbsp honey over blueberries.
- Add sprig of mint into pitcher.
- After 5-10 minutes, pour the hot water with the blueberry leaves in it into the pitcher.
- The mixture will look brown the first day, but by the second morning it will be a pleasant reddish blue. Strain (or use a pitcher with a tooth spout) and serve iced. Will stay good for 3-4 days.
Friday, June 29, 2012
A Summer Salmon Recipe
So I won't get into details about why I haven't been posting. Let's just say life's been busy and yadda yadda. Since I've last posted, things have happened (which is good because god what a boring life I would lead otherwise!) Things that have made my culinary adventures more exciting! Things called Pinterest. Yes, Pinterest. What is Pinterest, you ask? Well if you are female and under 50 it is a requirement for your life. It's a giant online pinboard filled with fashion, crafts, home design and yes - FOOD. Great recipes from all over the web and lots of little helpful hints about gardening, cleaning and cooking. So far, I've made many recipes I've found on pinterest and had pretty good success with most of them. Things like Carrot Cupcakes, Avocado Enchiladas, Slow Cooker Tikka Masala, Baked Crab Rangoon and so much more. Yes, Pinterest is the place to be!
Now after all that going on about pinterest, here is a recipe I DIDN'T find on Pinterest! This actually came from a manager of mine for our most recent newsletter at the bookstore. (Readers like to cook!) This recipe is DYNAMITE. Absolutely delicious. Made me come blog after 4 months kind of delicious. Second best salmon of my life delicious. Just delicious.
Grilled Salmon with Mango and Cherry Salsa
Now THAT is summer cookin'
Now after all that going on about pinterest, here is a recipe I DIDN'T find on Pinterest! This actually came from a manager of mine for our most recent newsletter at the bookstore. (Readers like to cook!) This recipe is DYNAMITE. Absolutely delicious. Made me come blog after 4 months kind of delicious. Second best salmon of my life delicious. Just delicious.
Grilled Salmon with Mango and Cherry Salsa
- 2 salmon fillets a quarter pound each (I used wild sockeye, skin on bones in)
- Salt
- Olive oil
- 1 ripe mango, peeled, seeded and diced cubed (quarter inch cubes)
- 1/2 cup cherries, seeded and cut into quarters
- 2 tbsp red bell pepper, finely diced
- 2 tbsp red onion, finely diced
- 1 tbsp jalapeno, finely diced
- 2 tbsp fresh lime juice
- 2 tbsp chopped fresh cilantro
- 1 tbsp rice vinegar (or apple cider vinegar if you must)
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- Heavy sprinkle of cumin
- Light sprinkle of cayenne
- Salt to taste
- In a mixing bowl, combine all of the ingredients for the mango salsa, mix and set aside. Let it sit out at room temperature for 30 minutes. Toss before topping salmon.
- Coat salmon generously in olive oil and salt. Preheat grill to medium high heat (Charcoal - approx 6 inches below grate). Grill 5-7 minutes per side, or until done.
- If your salmon has skin, peel the skin off of the salmon before plating and covering in salsa.
Now THAT is summer cookin'
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Divine Chicken a la King Casserole
When I was home visiting my family for Christmas, my dad passed on a family treasure to me. Was it an old piece of jewelry? A beautiful chest of drawers? An old trinket passed down? No - it was a ratty old cook book. Except - it's like Aladdin's lamp. You open it up and point to a recipe - you make it - it's delicious. You open it up and point to a recipe - you make it - it's delicious. Over and over! Apparently half of the food I grew up with came out of this cookbook. So I can't even tell you how excited I am to have it!
So what is this magical cookbook of wonder? It's called "Bayou Cuisine" and it's an old church cookbook from 1979. In fact, if you are totally interested in it, there are a few used copies on here. The inside cover tells me it's a "pot pourri of delta cookery, art, and history" -- perrrrrfect.
There's a lovely old watercolor and a poem on the inside cover.
Could anything be better? Well, yeah actually. The freaking recipes in this dang holy book.
Today Aj and I weren't sure what to have for dinner. So we opened it up, and the first thing I saw was Chicken Casserole (With Rice) -- Ok so I am a fan of 1) Casserole 2) Chicken and 3) Rice - a quick scan of the ingredients told me this was obviously a take on Chicken a La King. The cookbook classifies the recipe as French and puts it next to Coq au Vin. Done. Decided.
So, loving husband that he is (not to mention I cooked the last 3 nights...) Aj whipped this recipe up in a jiff. It was pretty much the BEST THING EVER. You 100% MUST try this recipe. Definitely getting made again. There was barely even enough for leftovers and there's only two of us!!! The book says Mrs. Jamie Whitten submitted this recipe, and I thank her from the bottom of my heart...err stomach.
Without further ado, the magical "French" recipe (right, because those French people put cornflakes on everything...):

Chicken Casserole (With Rice)
So what is this magical cookbook of wonder? It's called "Bayou Cuisine" and it's an old church cookbook from 1979. In fact, if you are totally interested in it, there are a few used copies on here. The inside cover tells me it's a "pot pourri of delta cookery, art, and history" -- perrrrrfect.
There's a lovely old watercolor and a poem on the inside cover.
I must go to my home in the swamps again,
Where the tall, tall cypress grow,
Where the bayous sleep,
And the brakes are deep,
Unused to ice and snow
I must go to my home in the swamps again,
To the simple things I know,
Where the willows weep,
and the love-vines creep
and tangle
South winds blow
Could anything be better? Well, yeah actually. The freaking recipes in this dang holy book.
Today Aj and I weren't sure what to have for dinner. So we opened it up, and the first thing I saw was Chicken Casserole (With Rice) -- Ok so I am a fan of 1) Casserole 2) Chicken and 3) Rice - a quick scan of the ingredients told me this was obviously a take on Chicken a La King. The cookbook classifies the recipe as French and puts it next to Coq au Vin. Done. Decided.
So, loving husband that he is (not to mention I cooked the last 3 nights...) Aj whipped this recipe up in a jiff. It was pretty much the BEST THING EVER. You 100% MUST try this recipe. Definitely getting made again. There was barely even enough for leftovers and there's only two of us!!! The book says Mrs. Jamie Whitten submitted this recipe, and I thank her from the bottom of my heart...err stomach.
Without further ado, the magical "French" recipe (right, because those French people put cornflakes on everything...):

Chicken Casserole (With Rice)
- 2 C. Diced chicken (uncooked, small cubes)
- 1/4 C. Mayonnaise (as always, I used Cains)
- 1 C. Cooked rice (White long grain)
- 1/2 Tsp. Salt
- 4 Oz. Can of Mushrooms
- 1 C. Diced celery
- 1 Tbsp. lemon juice
- 1 Tbsp. finely chopped onion
- 1 Can cream of chicken soup
- Cornflakes (Kellogs)
- 2 Tbsp butter
- Combine all ingredients except cornflakes and butter and mix together. Place them in a 9x9 casserole dish.
- Mix 2 tbsp butter (melted) with 1 cup corn flake crumbs. Place on top of casserole.
- Bake 30 to 40 minutes at 350°F.
Serves 8 (Aka 4)
Thursday, January 12, 2012
Snowy Chicken! ... Errr...

So it's the new year, and usually I try to make some kind of resolution for the year. Last year I resolved to read and review 52 books. I figured that writing something about the book would help me remember what I liked and didn't like, and possibly help me retain the story as well since I am notorious for forgetting. This year, I've resolved to cook and blog more, craft more, watch 52 movies, and read 25 books. It sounds like a lot, but really it's just finding the balance between work and all of the things that make my life exciting and enjoyable. I also have an ongoing goal to eat better and exercise more. I'd like to be healthier, and stop eating all of Aj's junk food. Plus my pants are getting a little tight and all my clothes are too cute for me to replace. So I have to replace quantity with quality when it comes to food!
If you've noticed that the two recipes I've posted this year are "light" it's because of this, but I promise I don't substitute taste for fewer calories. When you rely on flavors and spices in your cooking and avoid heavy creams and too much butter or oil, you're really not missing out on much. In many cases it's better for you and better tasting. If I didn't tell my husband that things were low fat, he'd never know. In fact, he walked into my studio yesterday and exclaimed that the muffins I made were delicious and was rather surprised to hear they were "light."
Do be careful, though, because a lot of foods that advertise "light" are a huge composite of things that are bad for you and have no nutritional value. It's best to eat foods with the least amount of processing, and to monitor how much you are eating. Just make sure to look at the ingredient list before you grab that "light" or "fat free" or "low fat" snack. If you don't know what's going into it, don't eat it.
Anyway, enough blathering. I should try to blog earlier rather than later, and maybe I'd be wittier!
Rosemary and Cream Cheese Stuffed Chicken
- 2 Chicken breasts
- 1/4 C. Whipped cream cheese
- 3 Tbsp. Low fat sour cream
- 1/2 Medium onion, chopped (about 1/4 cup)
- 1-2 oz. Grated smoked Gouda cheese
- 1 Tbsp. minced garlic
- 4 Crushed Kalmata olives, pitted
- Rosemary
- Cayenne
- Oregano
- Paprika
- Cut chicken down the center, and then expand the pocket by cutting sideways to the left and right of your first cut.
- Mix together all ingredients except the onion, holding aside some of the grated cheese. Use the seasonings to taste, with very light cayenne. Once blended, add the onion and mix again.
- Stuff the chicken with the mixture. You may have extra left over depending on the size of your chicken breast.
- Grease a 9x9 pan with cooking spray and place the chicken in it.
- Cover the chicken with a sprinkling of grated cheese and rosemary.
- Bake on 375 for 30 minutes.
Per half chicken breast, just 170 calories, 7 grams of fat and 14 carbs! This great dish also packs 14 grams of protein per half chicken breast. Pair it with mashed butternut squash, cheddar broccoli, summer squash or asparagus or to try the potato that is featured in the picture, follow this link. (Though we used red potatoes) Yum.
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
Light Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins

So I know it's been a while since I blogged. Yes yes, a long while. I know. There has been a lot going on with the holidays (and a decent amount of baking!) and Aj and I just got back from a visit home to see my family in Mississippi. We had lovely southern foods and when we left, the airport smelled like bacon. The south is a good place to eat! But all that for another time. It's kind of late, and I want to get to the gist of the post: Light Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins! Yum!
How can the words Chocolate Chip and Light (with the low fat connotation) be in the same sentence? See, I have this great banana nut bread recipe. And I can do almost anything to it and it still is moist and amazing. When we got back from the airport there were two mostly black bananas sitting in my fruit bowl. I am not a banana person. I don't eat them. I don't even like the smell of them. But for some reason I DO like banana nut bread! So I thought I'd whip up a batch since I have not only a Kitchenaid (last Christmas!) but also a Dishwasher (this Christmas!) --- how nice to not even have to do your own dishes. Ah, it's like the space age.
Anyway I had the bananas, and some chocolate chips left over from a batch of holiday cookies that I tossed in at the last minute. (The chocolate chips, not the cookies. That would make for an interesting muffin... Eck.) These muffins only have 132 calories each, with just 3 grams of fat and 3 grams of protein! They would be a perfect pair with your morning coffee and some fresh fruit for a really good breakfast. The best part is they taste like they shouldn't be low fat or low calorie at all!
Well, without further ado...
Light Banana Chocolate Chip Muffins
- 2 Overripe bananas
- 1 1/4 C. Flour
- 3 Egg Whites
- 1/2 C. Splenda for baking
- 1/2 C. White sugar
- 1/2 C. Cinnamon apple sauce
- 2 Tbsp. Vegetable oil
- 1/4 C. Ghirardelli semi-sweet chocolate chips
- 1 Tsp. Baking soda
- 1/2 Tsp. Salt
- Healthy sprinkling of All Spice
- Combine all ingredients and mix until well blended. Small chunks of banana are OK.
- In a muffin tin, insert 12 muffin cups (I spray my muffin liners with non-stick spray with great results). Distribute batter evenly in muffin cups.
- Bake for approximately 20-25 minutes at 350°F or until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
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